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Event Description

Robotics and Intelligent Systems Community (RISC-LPU),
Lovely Professional University,

is proud to announce INDO-ASIAN Solar Challenge, a premier collegiate engineering competition 
which allows students to apply their engineering concepts in the design and fabrication of a 
prototype SOLAR race-car as per RISC-LPU specifications. The students must design and 
subsequently test the vehicle to optimize the vehicle for efficient and reliable performance, 
and at the same time, taking into considerations the market compatibility of the vehicle 
manufactured, cost efficiency etc.

Its not just a race , it’s a crusade, that’s what we like to call it.

Internationally standardized rules along with best solar vehicle industrial experts as the 
Judging committee will ensure a brilliant Racing season.

Come, be a part of an annual series that is thrilling, adventurous and absolutely cool.
Registrations are open and the rule-book is out !

Visit our website :

Or mail us at :

Or contact us on :+91-9653153989 or +91-8437149972

Contact The College Fever
  • +91 9742350056
Contact The host
  • Robotics & Intelligent System Community
  • +91-9653153989
  • Konda Reddy
  • +91-8437149972

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