Focus discussion on New Dawn of FDI In India

Ticket Category Price (Rs) Quantity Amount (Rs.)
Registration for Students
(per head)
200 0
Registration for Faculty
(per head)
250 0
TOTAL (Rs.)     0

Event Description

Programme Objectives

  • To understand the purpose and the role of FDI in India’s development. 
  • To understand the ambiguities & obstacles faced by the FDIs.
  • To understand the recent changes, as well as the new sectors opened up for FDIs.
  • To Facilitate Industry- Institute learning and research.
  • To enable the faculty and students to understand the practical dimensions of FDI.

 Register Online and Book your ticket. First Come, First Serve basis. 

Contact The College Fever
  • +91 9742350056
Contact The host
  • pes university MBA department
  • 9945185796

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