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What does TheCollegeFever (TCF) do?

TCF makes your event experience more fun. We help you in registering your event in matter of minutes and help in making sure that you get connected.

I am a student, what does TheCollegeFever have for me?

As a student TCF is of help to you in 2 ways:

  • You can find an event of your choice and attend it.
  • You can put up your college event on the portal and make it popular.
My college is hosting an event, what all can TheCollegeFever do for us?

We at TCF are passionate about making your event experience fun and for that we provide solutions which take care of all the hassles and troubles. We help take care of your registrations, marketing, selling of tickets and post event analytics/summary.

I want to get regular updates on events from TheCollegeFever, what should I do?

Thank you for showing interest. Sign up here and you will be automatically subscribed to our newsletter which will help you find all the exciting events happening around you!

I want to register my event with TheCollegeFever, how do I go about it?

That little button on the top which says Create Event will help you with all the details. Just let us know if you face any trouble at info@thecollegefever.com

Are there any charges to log into TheCollegeFever?

It’s absolutely free for everyone but yes, you won’t go empty handed once you signup. Check out the latest offers exclusively for college students.

Are there any charges involved in listing our event with TheCollegeFever?

Colleges can host there events for free. Not just hosting but we provide an array of other goodies which help you make your event more popular.

If an event gets cancelled, what are the precautions taken by TheCollegeFever to ensure that we don’t lose anything?

TCF ensures that every event listed has undergone a background check and its validity holds good. Force majeure, TCF will ensure appropriate measures are taken in terms of communication so that the participants don’t bear the brunt.

Does TheCollegeFever list events from all parts of India?

Oh yes, we have ensured that none of the events happening at any part of the country gets missed. We have a wide network of campus ambassadors who help us in making sure that their college events are getting maximum participation.

Where can I contact in order to give feedback or suggestions?

We would love to hear from you regarding your experience or suggestions. Write to us on info@thecollegefever.com

Who can I get in touch with if I have grievances?

Kindly visit the contact us page here or write to us on info@thecollegefever.com