About Accomodation For AAKAAR, IIT Bombay
AAKAAR Accommodation
Accommodation will be provided inside IIT Bombay campus and outside (nearby hotels with travel time around 20 minutes) for all the participants of AAKAAR.
Accommodation will be provided from 11th March - 12 PM to 14th March - 12 PM.
For example if you register for 12th March and 13th March, you will be provided accommodation from 12th March – 12 PM to 13th March -12 PM and similar timing for other modes of registration.
Deadline for registration of accommodation is 1st March - 5 PM
The charges mentioned in the registration page are only for the purpose of accommodation and one time travel to IIT Bombay campus from the hotel allotted to you. Meals are not included.
All the students must bring following documents along with you:
- Original College Identity cards
- Address Proof (Aadhaar Card or Voter Id Card or other address proofs)
- Printed copy of payment receipt email.
If you are willing to share the rooms along with your group members, the team leader has to send an email to mistrymm7@gmail.com mentioning the names of his team members along with your college name with email subject AAKAAR Accommodation.
Dropping an email will not guarantee your roommates to be your team members but we will try to accommodate you along with your team members or with your college friends.
Private vehicles are not allowed into the campus during AAKAAR 2016.
The inauguration ceremony of AAKAAR 2016 is scheduled at 09:00 AM on 12th March.
We provide you with bus facility from the allotted hotel to IIT Bombay on 12th March at 7:00 AM. The buses will leave sharply by 7:00 AM from your hotel.
Participants have to take care of their belongings.
Team AAKAAR will not be responsible for any loss or damage. Students have to leave IIT campus before 8.30 PM during AAKAAR 2016. Serious fine will be imposed on students after 8.30 PM if found inside campus by security officers.
Students are solely responsible for any damage to the infrastructure in the hotel room and in case of any such incidents, hotel management decision will be final.
In case of any cancellation, we cannot refund you the payment that you have made for booking the accommodation.
For any further queries, contact or drop a mail to
Mayur Mistry
Hopitality Manager, AAKAAR