About AGON 2016
Event Details:
The Biggest medical fest in eastern India . The cultural festival embraces the likes of many celebrities , about 5000 footfalls a day.
Calcutta National Medical College is located in Park circus ,Kolkata. Adjacent to 7-Point (a major traffic crossing) it is one of the biggest govt. medical college of west Bengal. It has an extensive OPD and state of art health care services with more than 10,000 patients per day.There is also another campus under CNMC which is the psychiatry unit. The college has 4 strategically placed hostels. Agon is the biggest cultural festival held by a medical college in eastern India which will be held on September 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 . Agon has a footfall of over 5000 students and alumni's of the college. The fest consists of 900 college students + 500 post graduate students and senior residents + alumni of the college +faculty of the college+ students from other schools and college all over Kolkata.
Event Caption:
Pulsation of Euphoria
Event Theme:
32, Gorachand Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700014 Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Phone : 9874308480
Email : sonur1996@hotmail.com
Website : agon2k16@gmail.com