Born years ago with the motto of promoting technology, scientific thinking and innovation, Tech Acme has surpassed several golden years of creating an unmatched aura of a science and technology spectacle year after year at the Oriental Institute Of Science And Technology Campus, Bhopal. Today it is a well established techno-cultural and sports fest...
Born years ago with the motto of promoting technology, scientific thinking and innovation, Tech Acme has surpassed several golden years of creating an unmatched aura of a science and technology spectacle year after year at the Oriental Institute Of Science And Technology Campus, Bhopal. Today it is a well established techno-cultural and sports festival, having more than 7,000 attendees so far and with a reach of over hundred colleges across India. Tech Acme has diversified into an organisation that apart from showcasing the pinnacle of technical advancement, also strives for the betterment of the society with unique initiatives. Be it a campaign focussed at eco-friendly technologies or technical innovations aimed at escalating and sustainable India. These initiatives to address social and environmental causes have set Tech Acme apart from any other college festival and added a whole new dimension to this organisation working on a non-profit basis.