5 Offbeat Careers To Embark Upon!

To every ‘ Where do you see yourself in five years?’, if your mind palace takes you to the deep seas, to the vineyards or to a Michelin star restaurant, but all you do is simply nod and say - software developer, doctor or a CA! Read on my friend. There are a plethora of the offbeat and unclichéd career options that will make you stand out from the crowd.


Unconventional career options not only are free from the unprecedented competition but also provides you with a sense of flexibility, recognition, satisfaction and the opportunity to prove yourself beside a handsome pay package. The icing on the cake here is, that you don’t require years of training, just a 10+2 and a certification in the respective field coupled with your innate talent!

TCF brings to you 5 such Offbeat Careers to kickstart your professional lives with.


If you love the sea more than the shore. and dream about swimming with the ocean currents, Scuba Diving is the most enticing career choice for you! Besides a high level of physical and psychological fitness, you require good communication skills and the patience of a saint. To be deemed fit as a SCUBA ( Self-Controlled Under Water Breathing Apparatus) Diver and Instructor, the PADI certification is a must which is offered by the Maharashtra Tourism, Barracuda Diving Institute, Goa and The Bangalore Mountaineering Club.

Job Prospects - The diving industry is a booming one, not only abroad but also in India. As per the degree of your specialization, you can work with shipping companies and world organisations like Animal Planet, National Geographic or Discovery Channel as a deep-sea explorer or photographer.  You can lead excursions to the cavernous waters as a diving instructor, own a SCUBA equipment store and help in rescue operations.


Most of us go ‘Aweee’ in admiration of their beauty and innocence. Yes, I am talking about the pets who sometimes seem better groomed and fashionable than us, maybe!  Pet Grooming is a brewing career option in our country and the client base is increasing. Weary of the materialistic world,  people are closer and share a ‘through the thick and thins’ relationship with their pets. For establishing yourself as a pet groomer, you need a deeper understanding of their behaviours as they may behave unexpectedly. You need to be familiar with all breeds of dogs and cats, you need to be an expert on everything from nail clipping to brushing to shampooing to trimming, removing fleas and ensuring their health.

Job Prospects-  Pet groomers can work in kennels, veterinary clinics, animal shelters, or pet supply stores. You can also operate your own grooming business by starting a salon or parlourAfter gaining expertise, you can take the supervisory or managerial position at big retails or kennels.


Do you have the knack for using your voice? Do you feel you can be the next Meghana Erande - who is the voice of ‘Dee Dee’, ‘Noddy’, ‘Shinchan’ and almost all the famous animation characters? Voice Acting can help you channelize the inner creativity in the right direction. Reach out to established professionals to get a leg up on your new career. Classes, teleclasses, seminars and voice coaches are invaluable to your search for voice over success. Read related books to master the profession.


Job Prospects- Umpteen number of video & radio programs, documentaries, presentations, radio/TV jingles, spots, Phone softwares, IVR, Multimedia, audio books, training and safety videos, tonnes of E-learning Content, require Voice over actors/artists. Once you have endowed yourself with industry knowledge, vocal training and a home recording studio, you are all set to flourish in the industry!


Equipped with critical taste buds and prolific writing style? Food Critic is the most sorted and respectable career for you. You will enjoy the luxury of walking to the finest of restaurants, taste free food and be paid for it. But to reach that benchmark, you need to develop a distinguished sense of taste, have the knowledge about exquisite food, taste bizarre dishes, have the perception for minute details and the ability to weave the taste into words appealing to the audience.

Job Prospects- Food critics submit reviews and articles about their experiences in local newspapers, magazines, review websites, TV programmes or on the radio. You can work as a freelancer or even start your own blog/website.


Are you a dead drop shopaholic and a fashion maven? It’s time you turn your passion into a profession by becoming a professional Personal Shopper. By giving personalized attention and providing advanced knowledge of products, services, and trends, Personal Shoppers become consultants to provide an aggrandized shopping experience and create a loyal customer base. To grow in this field one requires to interestingly communicate and deliver an enriching shopping experience marked by high sales ticket averages.

Job Prospects-  Personal shoppers always maintain the highest level of professionalism in both appearance and attitude. Retail employers will want their personal shoppers to be authoritative, ultra professional experts with an inviting and friendly demeanour. You can either work for famous brand retails or can start your independent personal shopping consultancy!

Instead of following the conventional path like a sheep, it is time you explore careers that resonate with your personal admiration. Parting with a quote that will redefine your definition of work, we’d like to know which career option clicked with you!