About Chakrawar'16
General Rules:
- Students can participate in maximum of 4 events only
- Registration is based on First Come First Serve
- Students should come with their college ID card
- Team should register separately for each event
- Refreshment and Lunch will be provided
- Participants need to make their own travel arrangements
- No Spot Registrations will be allowed
- Abstract to the Paper Presentation & Project Presentation should be mailed to chakrawar16@gmail.com
- Last Date for submitting the Abstract is on or before February 8 and Intimation is on February 10
- Final decision is based on the Jury's Comment
- Registration Fee for each participant is Rs.150/-
Thalavapalayam,Karur 639113 M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone : 9092870421
Email : ahodit@mkce.ac.in
Website : http://chakrawar16.wix.com/chakrawar16