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About EDGE X 2016

The largest techno management fest in Eastern India coming up this April 2016.

Geekonix, the official science club of Techno India Salt Lake and the hosts of Edge,on completion of ten years since its inception,will organise the tenth version of Edge from 1st to 3rd April,2016.

Each year,we have a participation of over 100 colleges and a footfall of over 5000. At Edge,we host 42+ events belonging to different categories,celebrating innovation of minds and an extravaganza of creativity.Prizes worth 7lakhs and above to be won.

This year, as per the tagline "A DECADE OF IMAGINATION", EDGEX promises a little something more for everyone.This year two new mega events-"EDG Nights" and "EDG Talks" have been included.We also have a cancer awareness philanthrophic activity in association with Tata Medical Centre.

Events list: 

1)Robotics: Manual,Aqua,Autonomous Robotics.

2)Compute Aid: Flawless,Bug hunt,Cryptoquest,Codemart,Web Design & Development. 

3)Cyber Crusade: Counter Strike(College league,Pro league) Fifa(College league,Pro league) Dota 2 

4)Money Matters: Management related events like B-plan,B-quiz,Addomedia.

5)Innovati: An open end engineering based project-development and appraisal event.

6)Infocus: Events including photography and videography.

7)Online events: Code out hosted by CODECHEF,Kwiznet,Stock it,Game of zones.

8)Food for fun: Quizzes,food relay,case studies etc

9)Create it: innovative event including Mekanix,Rags to riches etc.

10)Newron: Debate and quiz. 

11)Just like that: Fun events.
