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About Workshop On Soil Exploration And Foundation Design
To enhance employability and thus providing a good platform between graduates and industries.
To contribute to the development of infrastructure that is sustainable.
To be a part of an organization or as entrepreneurs in order to cope up with emerging technologies.
To undertake collaborative projects with academia and industry.
To acquire knowledge by engaging cutting edge research.
To know the real time problems and field experience with industrialists and entrepreneurs.
To afford Memoranda of Understanding between the institute and industries, emotionally and strategically closer.
To shape infrastructure development with societal focus.
To develop curriculum, participation of experts from industry.
To encourage Engineers from industry to visit our college to deliver lectures.
To gain the knowledge of ethical way of pursuing work in our field.
K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, KSR Kalvi Nagar, Tiruchengode- 637 215, TamilNadu, India. KSR College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone : 9095071070
Email : ragulasangiruthiyan@ksrct.ac.in
Website : epic16.org