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About Explore 16

A gist about the Fest: Chitkara University strives for excellence in every educational and co-curricular avenue, and Explore is yet another illustration of that. A two day gala, Explore’16 is bound to intrigue some of the magnificent talents of the nation with humungous cash prizes worth over 12lacs. With 15,000 students presently studying in Chitkara University, and another 15,000 expected to be a part of Explore’16, this shall be one of the greatest and the most awaited gathering of the youth of India.


Chitkara University, PATIALA-CHD NH64,RAJPURA,PUNJAB Rajpura, Punjab, India

Phone : 9041103369

Phone : 9815369598

Email : souvik@explorefest.com

Email : Shantam@explorefest.com

Website : www.explorefest.com

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