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About Finance And Investment Convention

About Amity University

Amity University is among the leading technical institutions of the country with distinguished 

alumni who have achieved success in various corners of the world. Amity University is proud 

to have as its alumni a group of engineers, technologists, scientists, managers and 

entrepreneurs. Amity School of Engineering and Technology is one of the centres of 

excellence for higher training, research and development in science, engineering and 



Who We Are?


This is the motto of Catalyst – The Finance Society of Amity College of Commerce and 

Finance, Amity University, Noida and we strongly believe in this ideology. Keeping this in 

mind this society was formed in March 2015 to concentrate on the field of finance.


Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

Phone : +918826869120

Email : catalystaccf@gmail.com

Website : http://catalystaccf.weebly.com/

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