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About International Civil Engineering Symposium '16

International Civil Engineering Symposium (ICES’16), an initiative byASCE-VIT in collaboration with the American Society of Civil Engineers Indiasection and School of Civil and Chemical Engineering of VIT University is theultimate destination for civil engineers since past 2 years with aparticipation of over 1000 students, professionals, researchers and faculties.

The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and BuiltEnvironment which is to be held from 10th-12th March, is a global platforminitiated to inspire innovation to address rising challenges of environmental,economic and social sustainability. The objective of the theme is to inviteideas on the foundations of strong research to improve our practices andpolicies, national as well as international for sustainable development inenergy and built environment.

In this edition of ICES, we are hosting an international competition named, GreenIdeation, which, aims to take a step towards searching innovative ideas forcreating a sustainable built environment. Every team has to come up with anidea and has to showcase it into a working or a scale model of the same.

Hence, we are highly pleased to present to you our 4-day symposium whichincludes in it:

> 1 Conference

> 6 Guest Lectures

> Green Ideation

> Workshops

* Water GEMS

* MicroStation

* Seismic Design

* Primavera

* Green Building Design

* Geospatial Technology

* Transportation Engineering
