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About 1st International Congress On Human Rights And Duties

About Events

1st International Congress on Human Rights And Duties organized by Yadam Institute of Research which will be held on December 10 2015.
Conference Topics:
=> Human Duties and Responsibilities;
=> Women & Child Rights;
=> Gender Issues and Challenges;
=> Environmental and Animal Rights;
=> Social Problem, Violence & Violations;
=> Crime & Juvenile Delinquency;
=> Indigenous & Tribal Rights Issues;
=> Philosophy of various human rights;
=> Perspective, thinking and theories of various human rights.
=> Business and Human Rights;
=> Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility.
=> Domestic Violence and Family Conflicts;
=> Political Science concerning human rights and duties;
=> Sociology Concerning Human Rights and Duties;
=> Sociology concerning human society, rights protection and promotion;
=> Human Responsibility towards society & environment;
=> Human rights and humanitarian education;
=> International & Humanitarian Law;
=> Poverty and Related Issues; Human Sciences.


Yadam Institute of Research

Phone : +91-9040104000

Email : mryadam@gmail.com

Website : http://yir.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/ICHRD-India.compressed.pdf

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