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Let your intellect shine; let the rolling of brain race with every passing minute.
So, how well do you think is your knowledge about the corporate world you live in? 
Are you einstien of the corporate world?

If you think so, there is nothing to wait for.

‘INQUIZIRRE- A Collosal Clash of the Brains’, the online quizzing event of EMPRESA’16, the annual fest of The Finance and Investment Cell, Hans Raj College, gives you a perfect platform that you have always craved for, to showcase your knowledge.

So get ready to clash your brains hard as we have the quiz extravaganza in store for you on 7th February 2016 from 8 to 9 p.m.

Just a click can make you win some exciting prizes.So why to wait? Follow the link to register yourself for a distinctive quiz competition-Bit.ly/empresa16

So, put on your granger cap and be ready to become "The Einstein" 
of the corporate world!!

For queries, contact:
Sourav: 9560641282


Hansraj College, New Delhi, Delhi, India

Phone : 9560641282

Email : souravagarwal633@mail.com

Website : www.fb.com/fic.hrc
