"Dance is an art, paint your dream and follow it"
"Dancing is like dreaming with your feet"
Are you one of those who believe in the magic of dance?
Does dancing take you to a new high and sets you free?!
Do you find grooving to your favourite jam completely irresistible?
Then get ready to witness the mystical realm of dance, where you find
and loose yourself at the same time. For we bring to you NATRAAJ, The annual dance
module of INCANDESCENCE, in its greatest avatar.
This time, we are bigger and better.
So gear up, lace up those dancing shoes and join the movement!
We have set the stage for you. Now all that is remaining, is for you to set it
ablaze with your talent.
"GROUND ZERO" is the sub module of Natraaj which is the first ever of its type in Barak valley which aims at promoting Hip Hop culture .There will be 2 events under GROUND ZERO-
1) 1 vs 1 bboying battle
2) 1 vs 1 popping battle
3) Crew battle (maximum of 7 members and minimum 5)
Registration Fee -
1) 1 vs 1 bboying battle : ? 200
2) 1 vs 1 popping battle : ? 200
3) Crew battle : ? 600
For REGISTRATIONS fill up the form by clicking on the link given below-
1) 1 vs 1 bboying battle : ? 8,000
2) 1 vs 1 popping battle : ? 8,000
3) Crew battle : ? 13,000
Solo dance competition
Rules -
1. The performance can at max extend to 3 minutes.
2. All dance forms are allowed.
3. Participants have to bring sound tracks in CD/pen drive and submit the tracks prior to the event to the organisers.
4. Top 10% will make it to the finals (can vary depending upon participation and quality of performances)
5. The decision of the judges and the organizing team will be final and binding.
1.The finalists are free to choose songs and dance forms of their own choice.
2.The performance duration for the finals is 3-5 minutes.
3.All dance forms are allowed.
4.Participants have to bring sound tracks in CD/pen drive and submit the tracks prior to the event to the organisers.
5.Accessories, costumes, props will have to be arranged by the participants.
6.The decision of the judges and the organizing team will be final and binding.
PRIZE - ? 7,000
For REGISTRATIONS fill up the form by clicking on the link given below-
Accomodation and fooding for all the outstationed participants will be provided.
For more info and updates keep following NATRAAJ page on the following link
For further queries, contact -
Amresh Pandey ( 8473906514)
Ashish Singh (9508978490)