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  • National Civil Engineering Students Symposium

    Civil engineering has a vast scope in the field of research.These researches have a potential to cause a revolution in the future in terms of construction, transportation,design techniques and infrastructure.The National Civil Engineering Students’ Symposium (NCESS) aims to provide an opportunity to all the aspiring civil engineering researchers who are inclined towards discovering,learning and innovating to present their skills. If you are a research enthusiast and you feel that your research paper has got something extraordinary, Symposium is a platform to showcase your talent in front of nation’s eminent professors,industrial professionals and talented students in a formal conference.

  • 656
  • 0
RS. 0

About National Civil Engineering Students Symposium

Civil engineering has a vast scope in the field of research.These researches have a potential to cause a revolution in the future in terms of construction, transportation,design techniques and infrastructure.The National Civil Engineering Students’ Symposium (NCESS) aims to provide an opportunity to all the aspiring civil engineering researchers who are inclined towards discovering,learning and innovating to present their skills. 

If you are a research enthusiast and you feel that your research paper has got something extraordinary, Symposium is a platform to showcase your talent in front of nation’s eminent professors,industrial professionals and talented students in a formal conference.


Civil Engineering Department, IIT Bombay IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Phone : 9967309183

Email : ramcharanpalnati@gmail.com

Website : aakaariitb.org

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