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  • Panache\'16

    A student led initiative of the Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur. We create an annual extravaganza that covers various aspects: cultural, social, technical and literary. Since the inception of the Fest in 2009, we have stimulated an ever-rousing interest in the student community by inviting over P a r i k r a m a, SPIC MACAY, Evergreen and many other such names to perform at PANACHE. Each year we have plans to go bigger and better than the previous years, this year we plan to go even BIGGER & BETTER.

  • Free
  • Free
RS. 0

About Panache '16

PANACHE is a student led initiative of Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur. It is an annual extravaganza that covers various aspects cultural, social, technical, literary and various other events of all genres. Since its inception, we have managed to get a rousing interest in both the student community as well as well-known names like Parikrama, Evergreen, Spic Macay etc. Also events such as DJ nights, Fashion Show, Auto Expo, Stunt Mania and various technical workshops and cultural events were organized for the first time in during Panache.

Events in Panache 2016:                                 

IMPULSE DANCE COMPETITION                               

FOLK BEATS                                                       

WALK the WALK FASHION SHOW                               

TALK SHOW                                                                    

DJ NIGHT                                                                        

ROCK BAND                                                                   

Panache '16 Registration Fees :

Rs.50/head for Impulse

Rs.100/ head for Folk Beats

Friday | January 8th | 2016Panache\'16

A student led initiative of the Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur. We create an annual extravaganza that covers various aspects: cultural, social, technical and literary. Since the inception of the Fest in 2009, we have stimulated an ever-rousing interest in the student community by inviting over P a r i k r a m a, SPIC MACAY, Evergreen and many other such names to perform at PANACHE. Each year we have plans to go bigger and better than the previous years, this year we plan to go even BIGGER & BETTER.


Bhatewar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313601, India

Phone : +91 9680444677

Email : panache@spsu.ac.in

Website : http://panache.spsu.ac.in/

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