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  • Sixth Sense Robotics

    Maximum of 5 members per team. In this workshop, we have tried to interface digital world with physical world. We as an organization feel the importance of the real world. We all sit in front of computer entire day for our daily activity and one hand is busy clicking the things on the computer, then we felt to design something that can interface the real human with the computer. We humans can see the things around us, differentiate between colors then why can’t machine? And that thought leads us to design “sixthsense Botz”. All these days the participants would have used traditional sensors like IR, ultrasonic, LDR sensors etc. which were used for sensing an obstacle or light, but these sensors where never able tell the robot the color of the light or the type of obstacle present in front of the robot. In this two day workshop, using a camera, the robot will be able to tell what the robot is sensing. The time has arrived to show capabilities to the world with empowering the youth of the country with non conventional workshops.

  • 4000
  • 0
  • Introduction To Intel Galileo Arduino Board

    Maximum of 2 members per team. Intel Galileo is the first in a line of Arduino-certified development boards based on Intel x86 architecture and is designed for the maker and education communities. Intel released two versions of Galileo, referred to as Gen 1 and Gen 2. Intel Galileo combines Intel technology with support for Arduino ready-made hardware expansion cards (called "shields") and the Arduino software development environment and libraries.The development board runs an open source Linux operating system with the Arduino software libraries, enabling re-use of existing software, called "sketches". Intel Galileo can be programmed through OS X, Microsoft Windows and Linux host operating software. The board is also designed to be hardware and software compatible with the Arduino shield ecosystem.

  • 2000
  • 0
  • Face Recognition Using Deep Learning

    Maximum of 2 members per team. Join the workshop to get hands on experience on implementation in MATLAB of 1. Face recognition by Principal Component Analysis 2. Character recognition using Back propagation neural networks 3. Face Recognition by back propgation Neural networks 4. Character recognition using Convolutional neural networks 5. Face recognition using Convolutional Neural networks

  • 1000
  • 0
  • Embedded Systems Design Description

    Maximum of 3 members per team. Embedded system is the Brain of every intelligent device. Everything around from a simple phone charger to the space station is using embedded systems. Your Laptops, mobile phones, Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens, Cars and all the automated electronics gadgets are having one or another form of embedded systems responsible for their intelligent functioning. Electronic devices are rapidly finding applications in many of the areas, from simple coffee vending machines to space science to environmental friendly products such as big belly etc. Indian embedded market worth $5.9 billion dollars, and expects 45 % growth by 2016. This will certainly increase the demand of professionals in the field of embedded systems. Main aim of this Workshop is to make the students skill full and efficient for all the hardware and software related concepts for National Instruments Embedded System . The High-performance Embedded Workshop provides a GUI-based integrated development environment for the development and debugging of embedded applications for NI micro controllers. The High-performance Embedded Workshop, a powerful yet easy to use tool suite, features an industry standard user interface and is designed using a modular approach seamlessly incorporating device family-specific C/C++ compilers and the debugger elements for various debugging platforms including emulators and evaluation boards. Maximum of 3 members per team.

  • 2100
  • 0
  • Designing Low Power Systems Using MSP430 Microcontroller Description

    Maximum of 2 members per team. MSP Ultra-Low-Power microcontrollers (MCUs) from Texas Instruments (TI) offer the lowest power consumption and the perfect mix of integrated peripherals for a wide range of low power and portable applications. The MSP430 is a mixed-signal microcontroller from Texas Instruments. It is a 16bit CPU, designed for low cost and its special feature is low power consumption for embedded devices. The MSP430G2xx Value Series features flash-based Ultra-Low Power MCUs up to 16 MIPS with 1.8–3.6 V operation.

  • 3000
  • 0
  • Data Acquisition & Processing In LABVIEW

    Maximum of 3 members per team. Data acquisition (DAQ) is the process of measuring an electrical or physical phenomenon such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure, or sound with a computer. A DAQ system consists of sensors, DAQ measurement hardware, and a computer with programmable software. Compared to traditional measurement systems, PC-based DAQ systems exploit the processing power, productivity, display, and connectivity capabilities of industry-standard computers providing a more powerful, flexible, and cost-effective measurement solution. NI LabVIEW offers unparalleled integration with NI and third-party data acquisition hardware, signal processing libraries, and user interface controls built for measurement data visualization. You can use LabVIEW to develop measurement systems faster, automate multiple measurements, and make data-driven decisions.

  • 2100
  • 0
  • Brain Wave Controlled Robotics

    Maximum of 5 members per team. Here you will get the opportunity to learn the art of making robots which are controlled by the signals coming from your mind. This workshop teaches you the fundamentals of brainwaves and their applications in today’s world. This workshop will also provide guidance in the field of integrating Brainwave technology and Robotics etc. It also focuses on conceptualization and designing of complex systems in order to harness the power of mind in the form of brainwaves. This workshop will also help clear concepts related to embedded systems, artificial intelligence and automation. Apart from the theoretical sessions, participants would be working on autonomous robotics kit specially designed. Hands on sessions on this kit will help the participants to enhance their embedded C programming, PC hardware interfacing skills and above all, the confidence of going beyond imagination and constraints of technology in modern times.

  • 4750
  • 0
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