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About Samhita 16

Samhita is a Annual National Level Tech Symposium organized by ITA, MIT venturing victoriously into its next year on March 11 & 12,2016. It gets more magnanimous this year offering 8+ interns to the geekiest of brains.

There is a plethora of 7 workshops on leading edge technologies , where all latest ideas are brought to life. For every engineer with an extra desire to excel , we excite you with 25+ diverse events which includes not just programming but also designing,quizzing,gaming to entertain one and all. We send you with sparkling prizes and a feather to your hat will be the MegaEvent ,the ultimate test for every crazy geek.

We welcome you with great joy. Come join us in the quest for knowledge. Team ITA takes immense pride in launching the website of "Samhita - 2k16 "

Signup @ http://www.samhita.org.in

Register now to get your S-ID ! 
Registrations to Workshops is now Open !!!
