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About Techniche'16

Started sixteen years ago in 1999, Techniche was conceptualized with an aim to motivate the youth of our nation to think out of the box, expand their horizons and reach the zenith of success in all techno-management spheres. It has stayed true to its vision since; and from its humble beginnings, Techniche now revels in being one of the premier techno-management festivals of the nation.
With a reach of thousands of colleges and school students from across the country, Techniche plays a phenomenal role in the bringing out the true potential of the nation's best and promoting technological and social betterment.

In the past, Techniche has brought great and accomplished personalities from all over the world, all branches of study and all walks of life under the same roof to provide an unparalleled learning experience to all its participants and attendees. Techniche has been an extra-ordinary platform to showcase the latest inventions, exhibitions and technological advances from all over the globe and organizes a plethora of events and competitions all designed to make the participants step outside their comfort zones and challenge the institution of conventional thinking. Techniche has also collaborated with various prominent NGOs and undertakes a huge array of philanthropic initiatives for the overall betterment of the society. Its flagship initiative- Guwahati Half Marathon organized for a noble cause and spreading awareness witnesses a participation in thousands from all parts of North-East.
Also, Techniche has been organizing Technothlon- the International School Championship for a decade which gives it the distinction of being the only festival of its kind to pull off a nationwide examination of such standard and magnitude.

All its organizers, participants and contributors came together during Techniche 2013 to celebrate the essence of perfection and pulled off an amazing feat which was applauded by attendees and critics alike. Techniche 2013 redefined the very idea of Ideate.Nurture.Kindle. Staying true to the promise it signed off with last year, the sixteenth edition of Techniche is all set to be bigger and better than all its predecessors and counterparts.

Get ready to witness the brand new edition of the prodigious spectacle that is Techniche only at IIT Guwahati from 1st September to 4th September 2016.


Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, North Guwahati, Guwahati, India 781039

Phone : 8011034841

Email : info@thecollegefever.com

Website : http://techniche.org/techniche15/

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