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Website Development Workshop
  • Registration

    Per Head

  • 500
  • 0
RS. 0

About Wed Dev Workshop

Website Development Workshop for students 

Topics Included in Workshop :

  • HTML Coding – Create Web pages
  • Cascading Style Sheets – Style Web Pages
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 – Create Web Pages and Web Sites
  • Build a Web site: Introduction
  • Build a Web site: Domain names and hosting account explained
  • Build a Web site: Creating Web pages
  • Build a Web site: Links, images and formatting
  • Build a Web site: Publishing a Web page
  • Introduction to php
  • Database driven web applications
  • WAMP servers
  • Introduction to MySql
  • Introduction to PHP
  • Features of PHP
  • Compatibility with HTML
  • and more .....

Event Schedule

Sunday | December 13th | 2015Registration | Website Development Workshop

Per Head


CADD Centre, 4th Floor,Krass Building, Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore,Chennai Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Phone : 8870890518

Email : prakash@kompyooter.com

Website : http://www.kompyooter.com/?qa=events

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