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About XENIUM 16.0- The Annual Tech Fest PGDAV College

The Annual Technical Festival of PGDAV College, University of Delhi.

 The Annual Festival “Xenium” is package of various competitions that would exhibit and pit against each other best minds and talents from different colleges and universities in the field of IT. It promises to every one their share of fun, entertainment and opportunities. The event gets the maximum media coverage from both local and national media. Diverse events in the fields of Technology are held during the festival. The event will be marked with cash prizes, goodies and rolling Trophies.

 It has a very simple objective – To create a launch pad for the students of computer science around, so that they can get an experience of not only the varied spheres of computer science but to also showcase their talents and compete against others.

 It encompasses all the spheres of IT and gives a platform to foster the brilliance inside these talented students. Here we endeavor to generate a Utopian virtual world, so that we can together weave a modern world of technology. Each and every member strives to create magic with their skills and thus, have our fest caption “Coding Logic, Creating Magic”.

 The fest caption for Xenium 16.0 is “Coding Logic, Creating Magic" and as we hit the stage with the most awaited brain bursting technical events, we promise to create a launch pad for the students with technical knowledge around, like never before!
 So all the techie out there, brace yourself !


More brain bursting events would be out on 27th Jan ’16 .

Too much to grab!!

Stay tuned for entire events list, sponsors info and latest updates :


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Contact Us:

Anshul Narula (President – Parikalan )


